Tuesday Platform Poem
There was this small lady who lived in the valley
She was so very small they called her "you down there"
Her bed was very short though she needed not more
Pippie, her miniature poodle slept there as well
One day she met this man, further down the valley
he lived. A crooked man by all means, he was bent
You would say he was bent from his elbows to his toes
Our Lady thought him weird, queer man if ever was
The two began to meld, Pippie took to him not
Then came the day he moved in with our small lady.
And her dog. Pippie was moved to the closet, banned
The bed, room for one, Our Lady, to the closet
_ _ _ _
- Bottom photo (2011) -- [large picture] [super sized] If you like art then go to Europe. We found this Cézanne original in the Lautrec Museum in Albi, France. It is by Paul Cézanne (1839 to 1906) and yes, he was pretty quirky. (For more of our trek to the Albi click here.)(Cézanne Wikipedia link)
Today I'm linked with Kerry O'Conner at her post in the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, The Tuesday Platform .
[http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-tuesday-platform_25.html ]
Labels: art, France, Poem, Real Toads, Story, Syllabic Form, Tuesday Platform