Sunday, October 07, 2012

One Single Impression: Scarecrow


love goddess Athtart*
wobbly bones and tattered look
direct descendant
fertility its forté
friend of tomatoes on vine
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© 2011 and 2012 Jimmiehov

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This week's prompt, scarecrow, was suggested by Joanne of 4Joy 
Find more poems using ''scarecrow" prompt word at One Single Impression
Posted for Real Toads Open Link Monday

*Athtart: "Consort and reztrainer of Baal, Athtart was a benevolent goddess of sexuality, passion, creativity, and fertility, and chief goddess of Tyre, Sidon and Byblos."; Ancient / Classical History
Per Paul Harvey, "Rest of the Story," early farmers placed statuettes of the various gods and goddesses in their fields to insure a better crop yield. It seemed that the goddesses of love and fertility were the ones that produced the results. Thinking that this worked, and not knowing that the seed and produce eating birds were scared away, they were the only ones left in the fields. From them the practice of scarecrows evolved. No reference, I heard this on the radio a few years back.

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