Sunday, April 14, 2013

One Single Impression: Please

Please Dear God

Please Dear God, won't you send me
Send me a sparkling new home
One with windows fine and clear
A wooden floor with no dirt
Please Dear God, I need a truck
Bright and red, a Chevrolet
One to pull my trailer fast
The trailer too needs some tires
Please Dear God, my van is broke
But this time I'd like a car
A shiny one, maybe black
New Mustang or Cadillac

Please Dear God, our pastor's poor
Our tithes are small, sometimes slow
He needs milk for his porridge
Bread and beans for his children


Please Dear God, our children walk
They need a little pony
He can be dappled or plain
He'd best run fast, never trot

Please Dear God, I'd like to move
Move me to a pretty town
Where grass is green, trees are tall
With sidewalks smooth for the kids

Please Dear God, I've laid my needs
Like dominoes spread out straight
I'm not asking for money
Just house, pony, car and truck
My needs are plain can You see?
Some for pastor and his kids
Our children a place for them
Just simple things, please Dear God
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Photos and Poem Copyright
© 2013 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved

Find more poems using the prompt word, "Please," at One Single Impression.
Also shared and listed with Real Toads Open Link Monday


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