Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Prose Poem, with Buzzard help

Of what am I made?
When asked the question,
"what are you made of,"
what do you say?  

There is the old adage,
"girls are made of honey,
flowers and nice things
while boys are from pigs tales."

Thus said:  I was dropped
on a rock by a bird and
the sun hatched me. 

I'm made from that egg.
The egg, best to my knowledge
is made of whatever the bird
had been eating while she
formed it.  This goes with
"what you are is what you eat."

My mother bird, 
A buzzard**told me the other night, 
was helping eat a dead deer 
in the ditch the week before 
she laid the egg.

And dead bugs on the
way home every night.

Those stock answers hold
the answer still today. 
_ _ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright © 2017 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

 - I'm linked with, at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, “I Am Made of…” (Poetry and Flash Fiction with Magaly),

 - Magaly's words: "I invite you to ask yourself, what am I made of? Then craft your answer into a 3-stanza poem or a very short story (of 131 words or fewer)."  I used exactly 131 words with my title and since it is prose poetry broken up into groups of short lines (not verses?).

 - **I came onto this pictured group of buzzards feeding on the dead dear while driving near Montgomery, Texas.  One from this group told of my mother bird. 

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Friday, June 09, 2017

A Friday Poem for Words Count


It was her day of the week
Dread day had come again
Long shore walk another land
Princess's weekly bane 

Stack of cards piled nine feet high
Dread task she couldn't abstain
Lucky pull got the 'Judgement' card
Princess's weekly bane

Boys swimming in the girls pool
Naughty boys had no shame
Forgive them today—Judgement
Princess's weekly fame

(Please note on the Tarot card the 
abundance of nymps swimming in the pool.)
_ _ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright © 2017 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

 - I'm linked with, at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Words Count With Mama Zen,

 - Mom Zen's words: "... visit to get your tarot card for the day (it's free; no sign-up). Explore the meaning of your card.  Treat it as a joke, a portent, a really cool piece of art - whatever suits your muse.  Just make sure your muse keeps her musings to 60 words or less." (I had exactly 60 words including the title.)

"The Daily Tarot
The Judgement(sic):  You can secure an important victory and achieve a long-held aspiration today. This obviously is not an overnight achievement but probably something you've been intermittently pursuing for a long time. Some dreams refuse to die, and this may be the day for one of those dreams to begin to see the light of day in the real world. Be heartened and don't let up now."                         
Above "Daily Tarot" text and my card picture (a screen print) are from:

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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Somewhere ~~ A Poem for Tuesday

Over the rainbow I must go
It is there we have peace and love
There sons will come home in one piece
Mothers will need no tears for them
Over the rainbow I needs go
For there it is that true love stays
No partings the lovers suffer
True love remains, be truly true
Over the rainbow I will go
There children will not be hungry
Food is plentiful, water flows
Free medicine, vaccinations
Over the rainbow I'll go now
Government is friendly and true
No poisons, pollutions, or guns
People live as God intended

_ _ _

 - Photo (link) and Poem Copyright © 2007 and 2017 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

 - I'm linked with, at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Tuesday Platvorm,

 - Kerry's words for us, "It is the day to share our thoughts in poetry, here where the platform belongs to those who embrace the concept of the pen being mightier than the sword, the song more powerful than the war cry."


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Sunday, June 04, 2017

A Poem for Flash PLUS! -- Ghost Town

Berlin, Nevada, is a ghost town
Public Domain (from Wikipedia)(Link)
I closed my eyes and willed to dream
To dream about an old ghost town
Old West town that fell on bad times
Abandoned.  Middle of the night
Loaded the old Ford trucks, some food,
Kids and dogs, pots and pans, they left 
Light of Moon, middle of the night
Kissed their fortunes teary goodbyes
_ _ _ _ _
 - Photo and Poem Copyright © 2017 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

 - I'm linked with, at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Flash 55 PLUS!,

 - Kerry's instructions were to write using exactly 55 words.  The PLUS part is optional, if we meet that challenge it will be "to consider the theme of the GHOST TOWN." 
 - I did both.

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