Saturday, November 03, 2018

a Flash 55 'poem' for you

Love hate relationship
When I'm hot she is cold
She is rich I work hard (15)

Last night I had a dream
Wrestled my head from her
Herod's daughter had asked
For it on a platter (20)

Silver platter it was
Though now I have them both
my head and the prized plate
Dreamt relation should end (20)
_ _ _ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2018, All Rights Reserved
 - Photo is a PrntScr copy from Kelly's post, see link below
 - For inspiration I'm linked within the Imaginary Garden at .  Kerry would like to see 55 Words poems, making it a Flash 55 Poem.  This one is exactly 55 words (my count is in brackets at verse endings.
 - By writing this 'poem' I am also helping to send our love and support to Hedgewitch, during her time off from hosting (instructions were in Kerry's post linked above.

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