Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sunday Muse Story --- The Dance

Look'n Back; to see if ... 

The music was playing, a bouncy tune that we all knew.  But I was alone sitting in a chair against the wall.  Most had emptied their chairs and were paired up on the dance floor.

Couples all, jumping, swirling, twirling and bowing.  Boys with girls, girls with girls, a few boys with boys, and a few girls had picked boys.  But I was alone sitting in my chair. 

Good time for me to hit the ladies room, and let tears fall on my sleeve.  As I neared the door I passed a booth with one fellow sitting there alone.  He was sipping his drink, it looked like a Coke, and stirring it with the straw. 

As I was passing by I looked down to look him over, and then he looked up.  I think I slightly smiled and deliberately slowed my pace.   Nothing transpired and the door was near.  

One last glance back to the booth.  To my surprise the guy was up and fast walking my way.   Then I felt a touch on my shoulder and I stopped. 

As I turned, he said to me, "It would be a shame if this neat song went to waste for us.  May I have this dance with you?"

The rest is our history.  Only my diary knows all my secrets.
 _ _ _ 

 - My youngest grandaughter, age eleven, composed and choreographed a dance routine similar to this story, including the backwards look near her end.  Hers had the pair meeting, then dancing and bowing until the near separation.  I have forgotten the tune she used, playing it from her iPhone.  KUDOs to her.   
 - Story Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with Fireblossom for this week's picture prompt, The Sunday Muse # 143, 
 ÷ The photo is of Tracey Powers as Mary Pickford 

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Weekly Scribblings Poem -- for Mary Oliver and Landscape

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Photo mine, Copyright, 

Jimmiehov 2018 (link)

I love to find old Zombie 
Trees along the roadside. 
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Poem, "Landscapeby Mary Oliver (link)

"Isn’t it plain the sheets of moss, except that
they have no tongues, could lecture
all day if they wanted about ... " 

 _ _ _ 

Would We Listen 

If our Mother Nature could speak 

Then I know some tales that she'd tell 

Miraculously made beauty 

Eons or Big Bang creation 

For you for me hard to believe 

Families, campers, hikers, climbers 

For what ever reason they come 

Most will not be disappointed 

Those visitors must please her much 

If she could tell would we listen 

The trees would sing wind in their tops 

They'd sing of rabbits nibbling near 

Deer rubbing antlers on tree trunks 

Flowers below colors so bright 

Yellow, violet, orange and red 

Dismal scenes though, thieves and dozers 

Axes and saws, plows and mowers 

Houses offices parking lots, 

Resident animals hunted 

Lakes polluted water taken  


Remember Indigenous folk 

Their reverence did well for them 

We moved them off, reservations 

We are guardian of all this 

How well are we doing our job 

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Mary Oliver had a love for Nature and spent untold hours enjoying being in it and writing about it.  She was one of America's favorite poets.  She died January 17, 2019. 

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 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2018 and 2021, All Rights Reserved. 

 - I am linked with Rosemary at Weekly Scribblings # 52,,  for Mary Oliver's poem, "Landscape".

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