Plant a tree for Grandmother
We'll plant a tree in Grandmother's garden
We'll plant it were she can see
We'll pick a fine one for our Grandmother
One with limbs so strait and green
We'll pick a tree for Grandmother's garden
We'll pick a small tree to grow
With Grandmother we'll watch it grow up tall
Tall to brave the wind and rain
We'll pick a fruit tree for Grandma's garden
We'll pick one to bear her fruit
We'll pick a fruit tree for our Grandmother
An apple or an orange
We'll help pick the fruit from Grandmother's tree
We'll pick some fruit just for her
We'll make a fruit pie for our Grandmother
She'll be happy when she eats
Children plant a tree for your Grandmother
You'll make her happy indeed
Every grandmother loves her grandchildren
Please plant her a tree today
_ _ _ _
Photo and Poem Copyright, © 2006 and 2018 Jimmiehov respectively, All Rights Reserved
- Photo was previously posted Sunday, August 06, 2006 (Adi and Jonah's trees)
I'm linked with Sherry Blue Sky at the Imaginary Garden, Wordy Thursday with Wild Woman ~ The Tree Sisters, where she is telling of three sisters who are seeing and taking action for the need for tree growth in our modern world,
Labels: Grandchildren, Personal-Challenge-2018, Real Toads, Trees