Saturday, January 07, 2023

My Home - a Poem for the Sunday Muse

    The Girl You See 

I'm the girl you see in the window 
in the window at Macy's 
I've been here a hundred sixty years 
Passersby stare at me 

It's not me they see rather my dress 
in the dress see themselves 
Better for me they're seeing their love 
maybe buy one for her 

Early mornings quite lonesome for me 
mostly men their quick glance 
Take me home take me home go with you 
O to be warm, cuddly 

That won't happen for me never will 
lonely cold Mannequin 
 _ _ _ 

_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo prompt choice made from Carrie's selection at the Sunday Muse #241, at 
 - Macy's was founded in 1858, 165 years ago this year 

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Thursday, January 05, 2023

Making New - an Acrostic Poem for Friday Writings


eclaim, Rekindle, and Rebirth 

Relax yourself--claim again 
empty heads will not count 
clip from your paper 
lots of paper dolls you can make 
almost a dozen from only one page 
in paper doll contests you might win 
make them slim, make them pretty,
Remember childhood days 
empty bellies do not count 
kindergarten days rekindled 
invest in rounded point scissor cutters 
no one cares if you act senile today 
don't you know its New Year's Day 
let them laugh the laughs on them
early childhood memories coming forth

another plight you'll buy
nothing counts from them 
dare acting senile today

Reserve the time wisely 
emptied hearts try to count 
better filled with childhood dreams paper dolls 
ignore the hoots they don't know 
right from left hasn't registered 
tonight new birth you will have   
hoot and holler and scream like the kid you be 
 _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2014 (URL) and 2022 , All Rights Reserved 
 - Magaly wishes to see us into the new year with our next prompt: Reclaim, Rekindle, Rebirth for Friday Writing #58 at,  

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Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Fleeting? a Poem for dVerse Poetics

At the corner ahead is the famous Beatles' corner, Abbey Road

"I was never there"  
makes for a bad dream 
twas love at first sight 
we both heard the call 

To know each other 
other's ins and outs  
all the do's and don'ts 
first date told it all 

I fell for your eyes 
your bod and your soul 
tried to make them mine 
thought I did, did you 

Cavort months and months 
sweet nothings we shared 
so pop the question 
surprise! You said wait 

That a blow to me 
wipe our records clean 
reputations save 
Be "Ghost in the Burbs"
 _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2011 and 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - I first used this photo on May 5, 2011 -
 - I'm linked with Merrill at dVerse Poetics,   
 - Read other's writing here,  

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