Sunday, August 25, 2013

'Colorado' -- a Five Line Fiction, # 001 -- Travel -- Two Shoes Tuesday ~~ Another Poem (of sorts)

Colorado; ..
five-line fiction .....
(a Texas Divorce) ....

I will be seeing you in a couple of weeks he said, dropping it all on Irma at entirely the improper time.

Are you going someplace, someplace that I too have been dreaming about dearest Moody?

Ollie and I are going to the Rockies for a try at skiing, nothing that you would like dear.

Well then you and Ollie have a good time--by the way, who is Ollie?

(the next morning) Mrs. Mood, I am Lt. Hill of the Texas Rangers here to arrest you for the murder over across the county line in Dallas County of James R. Mood and his companion, Ollivette Skeener (woe to stolen love).

Photo and Story Copyright © 2013 Jimmiehov. All Rights Reserved
This week’s theme is "Travel."  Visit other writers' work at linkz. 
Or write your own lines for Five Sentence Fiction (Headquarters) sponsored by Lillie.

Also shared and listed with Real Toads,Open Link Monday. (can I sneak this in as a "Prose Poem?")

The August 27th writing prompt words to choose from "Tuesday Two-Shoes" are Scent and/or Stolen. Josie Said, "Have Fun!" (link)
Click here to see out latest Holiday Posts on my other blog

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