Friday, March 15, 2024

St Patrick's Day - a Poem for Friday Writings

    Was St. Patrick Pinched?

Was our St. Patrick really real?
Yes he was real though not a saint 
Catholics hadn't made saints back then 
Celebrate him March seventeen 

He drove snakes out of Ireland? 
Yes, were a poetic symbol
Metaphors for the devil leaving 
Leaving from his many converts 

Did leprechauns really help him? 
Total fable they don't exist 
We like to think so, needed help 
We write of them as if they're real*

Then why should we wear green that day? 
Wear them so that you won't get pinched 
Green dress gives total Pinch License 
Put on your green and pinch away **

** A very good rundown on "9 Surprising Facts About St. Patrick's Day" can be found Here.  

 - Photos are copies I took, this year, of TV pictures being broadcasted 
 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am Linked with Magaly at Friday Writings  #118 at 
   where Magaly has invited "us to write poetry or prose inspired by strange spring traditions. Don’t happen to know any? No problem!" According to her, "we can find some interesting choices HERE and HERE and HERE." (My 'St. Patrick's Day' would be weird conduct on any day but St. Patrick's Day, but still is not as weird as some of these.)
p.s. an apology  to my faithful readers who were waiting on the 14th for my annual "pi Day post".  Finaly i made it, dated as proper for pi, March 14.  Here is my repertoire for the ones I have posted, 

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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Van Gogh - a Poem for dVerse Open Link Night


Van Gogh’s painting “Window in the Studio” – painted in 1889


   Van Gogh Dilemma 

Van Gogh went round and round 
To bad his fuzzy math 

Had he remembered "pi" 
Might have stopped while he's sane 

Instead he stopped at top 
Thought his ear was to blame 

Whacked one off at its base 
Sharp knife felled it one swoop 

Simple the constant "pi" 
3 point one four to know 
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Lillian at dVerse Open Link Night, here 
 - Click here to read other's writing today (3/14/2024) 

 - I have been writing for "pi Day" since 2011, here is a list that showed when I searched my blog for use of the word, 
 - * Below is My picture taken outside the infirmary where Van Gogh was staying after he had cut off his own ear.   For information of the photo below and more of our stay there in St. Remyclick here
  - Vincent van Gogh -- 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890): 

[Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2006]
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Compare my photo above of the actual orchard with this 
one that I took of one of Gogh's paintings of the orchard. 

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Spring and young maids - a Poem for dverse Poetics

    young maids

baby boomers now young maids 
beautiful eyes all features 
double smiles they love to flirt 

Dutch masters have no feel for them 
February gold gleam gone for them
goblets have emptied, never full 

golden dawn daffodils brightly shine 
golden echos from the maidens hair 
ice follies skated to demise 

lemon beauty Florida dames 
lingerie off the lines tease 
love calls young maids come Spring 
            _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2011 and 2023 respectively, All Rights Reserved 
 - I first used this photo on May 5, 2011  
 - I am linked with Merril at dVerse Poetics for prompt word list at 
    where I choose the first twelve on the to be the first word or words for my poem, note the alphabetic order.  All are listed on Merril's dVerse link above
    Click Here to read what other writers have written  

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