Saturday, February 04, 2023

Bunny - a Prose Poem for the Sunday Muse

Devon Aoki
by Mikael Jansson 

I was calm 
it was calm 

beautiful sunny morning 
eating grass and 
once in a while
scratching my ear 
seems I'd done this 
near every day of my life 

surrounded me 
my mother had 
taught me well
cows and horses 
were my friends 
the pigs leave them alone 
they group together 
have a life of their own 

dogs were different 
to them you are prey 
a real meal treat 
raw and bloody 
unlike the 
two legged folk who 
take you in 
bake your brains 
my mother taught me well 
choose my friends 
with care mind my 

this day started  
I stopped munching 
wet grass wouldn't last 
groups of folk 
riding horses 
horses my friends 
but not today 
captive and submissive 
to leather and whips 

the dogs 
pretty ones 
hounds of a kind 
finding a bunny 
bunny rabbit like me 
it was me 
chasing me in circles 
closer and closer 
to tragedy  
I had to run 
to where there 
was no end 

my friend 
they'd shot him dead 
laying there in the grass 
I was to be next 
Backyard Bunny Rabbit at Peace 
©Jimmiehov 2016 

I'd broken away 
out of my circle 
I ran and hopped 
this way gun in hand 
how did that get there 
could I shoot it 
with my small 

 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - Side Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2016, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo with others to choose from Carrie at the Sunday Muse #245 at  
 - Note, 223 words used for this write of a Maximum of 369 allowed, always now

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Thursday, February 02, 2023

Around and Around - a write for Friday Writings

 - Rommy has invited us to use ‘pivot’ (or any variation of the word) in our poetry or prose.  Pivot:  NOUN -- the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.  central shaft fulcrumaxis axleswivelpinhub  
 To see, read, other "spinning" writes I have posted go to the link below: 


Ceiling Pivot; Palace Prison 

    Perched way up high 
It's hot up here     
    Ceiling fan my perch 
Can't scratch my nose     
    Sleeping most times 
Sans sleeping pills     
    Hide from the light 
My eyes are trained     
    Turned on at dusk 
Spot intruders     
    'til comes midnight 
They'd best not stay     

    When nights are hot 
Might sweat a lot     
    Ceiling fan goes on
Blades pivoting     
    Cools the air 
I hang on tight     
    Turns round and round  
Blades turning fast     
    Hanging on tight 
Don't dare get down     
    Don't want to fall 
No one to catch     
    Spin 'round the light 
Until it stops     

Note:  This is a four-verse, four-syllable-per-line write.  You can read four ways, down each column separately as single writes, down one way followed by down the second, or across the page, not minding the gap.  
 - - - 

[large picture] [super sized]
 Here we have a view of a ceiling in a bedroom.
This was while we toured the Royal Yacht Britannia during our visit to Edinburgh, Scotland. 

 While there we found this pretty stuffed bear riding on top of a ceiling fan in one of the bedrooms. We have no explanation for why it was there.  
Outside there were a few clouds, see the pictures at the bottom.  Our daughter below, KP, was with us for this overseas visit.

[large picture] [super sized]

 I have previously posted the items below the Note and the Ceiling Fan above on Friday 17, 2008, when I participated in the Sky Watch activity.  That group is still going except I would get sooo many comments that I could not afford the time taken to answer on the other's posts.

- Poem Copyrite, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
- I am linked with Rommy (see her above directions) at the Friday Writings at  

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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Resolutions, Vows - a Poem for dVerse Poetics

Vaison-la-Romaine, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France 
Courtesy Home and Garden TV, House Hunters International  

February Not to be Forgotten 

February in our house 
will never be forgotten 
Misses and I were married  
the twenty-fourth of this month 

Church Bells rang we were dressed up 
Dressed fit to kill or marry 
We repeated our vows way back 
Back in time long fifty years 

The preacher was old fashioned 
Surprise vow he inserted 
Vow shocking the new Misses 
Said "Love, honor and OBEY 

We'll say those vows soon again 
Gone will be the OBEY part 
We'll have an important part 
Second honeymoon comes next 
- - - 

Mr. and Mrs. Jim's wedding picture

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - Bottom Photo by Jimmiehov 2010, All Rights Reserved (URL).  Top Photo by Jimmiehov of our TV screen, see reference at the photo. 
 - I am linked with PaeansUnplugged for the prompt Idea of "Resolutions" at
and our Marriage Vows immediately came to mind.  I have been teasingly asking Mrs. Jim for us renew our vows, quite often with the Morning Kiss.  Her reply, I don't need to renew mine, I haven't done anything bad that calls for this."   Finally, we will probably do this.  Maybe a Cruise ship or at San Antonio where our first honeymoon was. 
 - Visit our other writers work here .

"My love for you has no end"

NaPoWriMo 2017, Day 19 -- a Poem, Love

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