Saturday, March 14, 2015

A National Pi Day Poem (March 14) for 2015 -- a Challenge Poem

Today I Have Some Apple Pie;
leftover, part of nine inch pie
(a Pi Day Poem)
Three by four and a half inches
That's what my leftover pie is
Apple pie, alamode, my choice
When no ice cream I'll take some cheese
Now let's see how much pie I have
Four and a half is radius
Circumference is 2 times pi
Times the radius.  That's 30
Three inches at the top, which means
My piece is one tenth of the pie
Leftover apple pie I love
Love my host as well, nice neighbor
Circumference   =   2 • π • radius
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 - Photos and Poem Copyright © Photos and Poems 2015, Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
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 - International Pi Day, 3-14-2015, reading here (remember pi, aka π - also 3.1416....)
 - Circle formulas here (spheres also, aren't you glad my pie wasn't a sphere)
- Today I'm linked today with

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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Sunday Challegne - Akinwande Oluwole "Wole" Soyinka

Morning had Risen
Morning had risen, now the long drive home
Thinking of the night just ended, futile
Futility, chasing demons away
 Rats crawled on his skin, up and down his legs
Love of country made him brave but what for
Night after night sleep came in small pieces
Awake for hours, solitary thoughts
Reeking damp hole, months were years, days no end
He'd stopped and wretched his gutty green again
Like in the night last night, drinks were too much
Empty his soul, get rid of those monsters
Made him bleed and cry.  And yell, days of old 
War had ended but not over for him
The why of last night.  Liquor was flowing
Loud music to make ones forget their day
It didn't work for him, the rats still crawled

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 Photos and Poem Copyright, ©  2015 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
 Tonight I'm writing for 
I am also linking with Kerry O'Connor at
The Real Toads, The Tuesday Platform
Soyinka was an activist in the fight against Nigerian tyrannical rule after their independence from Britain. 
In 1967 he was arrested for writings sympathetic to secessionist Biafra and was imprisoned for twenty-two months.
 - We were to read a poem, or more, of his and write what came to mind.  Soyinka's poem, "In the Wee Hours" (link), and "Dedication" (link) were fodder for what I wrote.  Also Wikipedia and Heaven's write-up about Wole Soyinka gave me more insight. 
 - You might wish to read a little his works or more about him from these links.
 - Dr. Leeds is 80 years old and has written and taught for most of his life.  He holds honorary doctorates from Leeds, Harvard, and Princeton.  In 1986 Soyinka was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
 - Another 'Brief Bio' and links to a couple other of his poems are here.

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