Sunday, June 07, 2009

One Single Impression: Intersections

Intersections (a ditty) 

roads must cross 
and roads must meet 
he'll meet you at the corner 
please don't be so very cross 

 but the corner doesn't 

count for some--
not past two or ten 
no intersection found 

then souls must cross 
and they will meet 
his vocabulary's small  
why he says crossroads to all 

 words can cross 
and they will meet 
three or four or five or six 
crossword letters intersect 

- - - - - - - - - - - 

 intersection's here 
now you look to left and right 
oops missed the red light 
_ _ _ 

Copyright © 2009 Jimmiehov. All Rights Reserved  
Find more poems at One Single Impression 
"Intersections" as prompt, suggested by H.T. of Haiku Tuna 

Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do. Edgar Dégas The same may go for poetry? (whatever, I enjoy painting with the words!)

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Friday, June 05, 2009

A borrowed sunset -- Looking At the Sky

I'm saying borrowed because it wasn't taken from my back door. This pretty sunset over the water was from a balcony of a house being built over on the lake (in our Texas subdivision, Bentwater).

Looking straight down, I almost got sea sick. The little waves were rolling up to the bulkhead. So IF we lived here I would always look out, not down.

For more Looking at the Sky on Friday photos
click over to
Crazy Working Mom

Maybe more of Jim's European Holiday posting next week. I have been having a VERY busy week and it isn't nearly over yet.

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