Saturday, March 25, 2023

Boys Girls Women Men Flowers Beasts Worms, etc. -- a Poem for the Sunday Muse


     The Seasons of Life 

Youngsters at play with the bubbles 
catching all they can 
but burst way more than they catch 
Babies until they grow up a ways,
teens maybe 
Flowers begin to show 
Spring will depart when Nature calls 


Comes late spring, Beauty will be "the in" 
Flowers everywhere, some to pluck 
others for seed
Boys and girls learning love and passion 
Tamed by parents on the alert 
seeds not for germination  


Summer pretty to begin but 
weather beaten at the end 
Birds and bees everywhere 
showing their stuff 
love is love, passion's another kind 
One  by one  they leave the nest 
migrate if they must 
Their genes and dollars determine 

Autum comes, winds try to cool 
there's a bit tiring, shows it's head 
cloudy, dust from Africa blurs the clouds 
Clock watchers abound 
waiting for retirement 
or an old folks home 
Winters around the corner 
early snow not wanted 


Winter's short days are good for napping 
some hibernate, others have an early end 
Sledding and skiing for young 
and the old, kiddie slopes popular 
Nature has its ways, for her pets
there's another day, and next season 
Humans not like that at all,
one life is all there is 
Hope they've populated the earth 
with their young 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photos from Carrie as prompt, the colored one I copped from the Internet, I've forgotten where.  Carrie is hosting The Sunday Muse #252  at 
 - After writing this I was told of a more famous and much better writer than I, Antonio Vivaldi, who wrote the poem available at the URL below.
Did you know that the music of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons is based on four poems written by Antonio Vivaldi? In the music, each "Season" consists of a three-movement concerto. Two quick-tempo outer movements frame a central slow-tempo movement. The sonnets included in the score provide a specific description of each movement.  A prose translation of the original Italian is provided below." (Exerted from the web site below.  There you can also watch his corresponding opera performed as recorded in the video supplied)

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At Sunday, March 26, 2023 1:47:00 AM, Blogger Gillena Cox said...

We are under the onslaught of The Sahara dust here as well. Happy Sunday Jim


At Sunday, March 26, 2023 6:46:00 AM, Blogger qbit said...

Nice cycling through the seasons there,

At Sunday, March 26, 2023 8:09:00 AM, Blogger C. Sandlin said...

Each season is vivid in this & the shift to the next works well

At Sunday, March 26, 2023 11:49:00 AM, Blogger Helen said...

The Four Seasons ... Vivaldi would have enjoyed this. The Autumn stanza my favorite. Cheers on this Sunday, Jim.

At Sunday, March 26, 2023 5:32:00 PM, Blogger Carrie Burtt said...

A lovely journey of time and it's seasons Jim.


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