Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A short poem for "Get Listed"


the couple tried to be the latest
avant-garde in every way they could

assumptions were made clean it would be
affordable audacious combined

absence of malice their sole virtue
risqué aberration to their shame

a million sold clamor never stilled
_ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved

 - I am linked with Helen in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/09/guest-listed-with-helen-dehner.html?m=1 

 - Helen is playing the Toads' game of "Get Listed" where we are to write, using at least three (3) of the list of words which she prepared. 
 - There is no prize, no winner for this game.  Write very well and your kudos will give you a thrill.  I used nine of her words which I marked with "xx"s" and think my poem might be soso.

The word list, 
Aberration xx
Absence xx
Assumption xx
Audacious xx
Avant-garde xx
Clamor xx
Risqué xx
Shame xx
Virtue xx 

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At Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:47:00 PM, Blogger Helen said...

Great job with the word list, Jim!! Yes .. I know who you are referring to! I enjoyed her and was so sad when she passed away.

At Wednesday, September 11, 2019 5:30:00 AM, Blogger Old Egg said...

You probably remember the 1950S and 1960s when the list of most sold singles were in every record shop, So you knew just what to buy! Mknd you I was mad keen of Trad Jazz. Thanks for stirring the memories Jim.

At Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:58:00 PM, Blogger brudberg said...

To be avant-garde is either too expensive or flea-market cheap... most of us chose the middle way


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