Friday, July 12, 2024

Nasty COVID -- a Poem for Friday Writings

Ducks don't get COVID -- or do they??
(Muscovy duck likes our yard)

Blogging friend many years 
back before husband died 
Now she has the COVID 
I hope it leaves sound 
COVID is bad.  Troubles 
could leave her with some ails 

I'll tell you of mine, mean 
I've lost my sense of smell, 
sense of taste, and runnies 
There's wet stuff from my mouth 
and from my nose and lungs 
A perpetual cough plagues me 

Then too I forget names 
names of folks and places 
Stuck with poor memory 
forgetful many things 
where we've been, what we did 
how we do it, with who 

So "R Mary," hoping 
Hoping better than mine 
_ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright 2024 all Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Magaly and Rosemary for my Friday Writings #135 poem, here 