Saturday, July 06, 2024

Help came -- my poem for Friday Writings

 Rommy, in honor of a  very helpful family member in honor of his Herculean efforts, is  using "It's a dirty job but someone has to do it" as this week's optional prompt.  I am trying to answer her challenge.  So follows:  

The Sore

I have a bad sore 
'ts'on on my upper leg 
Doc said irrigate 
smother with this salve 

So I went to work 
tried to dab it on 
Hit and miss up, down 
here there, miss my nose 

Meanwhile sore has grown 
hoeing tender place 
Dabs here and dabs there 
those dabs ever hurt 

Neice feeling for me, 
"uncle might I help?" 
" I see where to dab" 
much better I felt 

 Smiling Neice popped up 
 no bit embarrased, 
 "It's a dirty job but 
someone has to do it" 

_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Rommy at the Friday Writings #134