Friday, July 27, 2018

An 'out of standard' Poem for the Weekend

If I had a nickel
If I had one for every bed I've slept
One for every bowl of porridge I've et
I'd share with all the needy boys and girls
For them to hear my tale

I'm Three Bears' Wicked Girl
Been sitting in every little girl's chair
I came to your house had porridge with you
After supper your mother read to you
On her knee then to bed

Would I be sleeping there
Or would I still be trying Momma's bed
Or Daddy's great big bed it's way to large
Way to large for me your bed is just right
There you'll find me asleep

Earning my nickel
Need I fix your chair?
 _ _ _ _

 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2018, All Rights Reserved (Photos are my "Print Screen" of Wikipedia, Public Domain, illustory photos from the article, Goldilocks and the Three Bears [link].)  Goldilocks, a Fairy Tale, was published in 1837 by Robert Southey .)
 - I'm linked with Isadora Gruye in the Imaginary Garden at

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