One single impression: Defenses Down
that's where I am wanting to go
go home, go home
Don't stop
just once perhaps will do no harm
don't stop, won't stop
'though all's so yummy enticing
I can't, I can't
I mustn't
Just a quick little tasty snack
I mustn't, I mustn't
I know
the family awaits, dogs as well
I know, I know
it's calling me, please come right now
my home, my home
One bite
won't hurt, no one will ever know
one bite, that's all
At last
the last dark mile awaits me now
at last, at last
my defenses up, up so good
I've kept, I've kept
I'm pure
not straying from where I should go
I'm pure, I'm pure
. . . . . . . . .
please don't let your defenses down
don't let, don't let
You can
keep your defenses up, you can
so pure, stay pure
Tag: Jim's OSI
Labels: Blogging, Jim Bunch eats, One Single Impression, Poem, Travel
My husband can never pull this one off. He eats a ton on the way home. Bless his heart. Have a great day Jim. :)
Temptation is a terrible thing and yet this made me smile.
From the photos it looks like your defenses didn't stay up-
Delicious dish though.>
Nice work!
Thank yopu for sharing this.
(now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get to the fridge)
Ah, temptation....not always a bad thing.
I love this, both poignant and humorous, to those of us who do not keep our defenses up on the way home.
Jim ~ I see that I'm not the only one expounding upon temptation. Whether it's an American Viburnum tempting the songbirds with her autumn bounty, or a hungry traveler succumbing to the blandishments of roadside eateries, it's all about temptation.
Well done! I enjoyed it all... the journey, suspense, photos and the final reward.
And, (P.S.), thanks for your visit~ ~Deb
There's humor and desperation here - good response to the prompt!
Staying pure for a home cooked meal or is this a metaphor for faithfulness to your spouse or partner? However, it made me think of a program I saw this week about people with Orthorexia, a condition where they will only eat raw and pure food to such an extent that if eventually kills them! Oh my!
Well, alas, I can really relate to this. I don't even have to leave the house to go through similar struggles.
I could never resist. Luckily I'm not on the road any more.
You highlight the dilemma nicely. honest and wonderful..many thanks
The dialog of this piece is wonderfully well done. Great use of the prompt words.
hilarious. :D i love it. :)
Oh so very funny, Jim! So did you just stop to get the picture or did you give in? Your poem says "no"; your photo says "yes."
that was very good!!!...
ah, home cooked meal indeed. :) looks great. :) i love that it has tomatoes, but i like even more that it has rice. quite appealing to the asian that i am. :)
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