Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Single Impression: Blowing the Curve

The characters: .....

Karen, our daughter.
[Click on any picture to enlarge]

Blowing the Curve;
....what is a Dad to say

Got this text message
from our daughter.
"KP and I are stuck
on the elevator at BP's school.
The Fire Marshall is coming."

Baby KP asleep in elevator

So what is a Dad to say?
"I fed KP a bottle
and we are staying calm.
I hear them
(Fire Marshall?)."

Momma said
"This is terrible, poor baby."
So what is a Dad to Say?

Dad, the retired professor
spoke in some riddles.
About blowing the curve
and how many have been stuck
there before.

BP practicing for her performance

What is a Dad to say?
About being the norm or to excel
and extolling about our BP,
grandchild who is so smart,
waiting at bottom of the stair.

This doesn't fit the model
of book learning I've been taught.
I am afraid the curve has broken,
what is a Dad to say?
Momma Karen and KP .

"We are out!" and Momma said
"Praise the Lord!"
What is a Dad to say?
Momma said it best.

Poem and photos
Copyright © 2010 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved


Find more poems at One Single Impression
"Blowing the Curve" as prompt was
suggested by Mojo at
Why? What Have You Heard?

Note: This elevator ordeal lasted 36 minutes today. Karen was calm all the time. So was KP after having her bottle. The firemen had to pry the doors open and lift KP and her stroller out. Then they helped Karen up and out.

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At Sunday, January 31, 2010 12:12:00 AM, Blogger Amity said...

nice sharing how your daughter and her baby were able to overcome fears of being stucked in the elevator!

At Sunday, January 31, 2010 12:23:00 AM, Blogger Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

You really blew the curve on this one Jim .. and so glad everyone got out safe. You had some very good inspiration ... and loved the ending!

Hope you are feeling better ... been sending up a few prayers, and if you are back posting I dare say, they must have gotten through!

At Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:52:00 AM, Blogger anthonynorth said...

Sometimes there's just nothing you can do, and that's hard.

At Sunday, January 31, 2010 6:28:00 AM, Blogger Linda Jacobs said...

I love the ordinary way you speak of the unordinary!

Thanks for the pics, too; nice to put faces to the characters!

At Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:02:00 AM, Blogger SandyCarlson said...

Thank God for the folks who got them out. And thank God for text! She was not alone with baby while she was stuck in there. Dad didn't have to say anything; he was just plain there. And that is so cool.

Thanks for this, Jim.

At Monday, February 01, 2010 10:43:00 AM, Blogger Loch Rob said...

Most excellent pictures Jim. I am glad everyone got out okay. What a lovely family you have!

At Monday, February 01, 2010 11:23:00 AM, Blogger Nessa said...

Rabbit, Rabbit

Love the ending of the poem.

At Monday, February 01, 2010 3:03:00 PM, Blogger Pearl said...

people beget life and life begets poetry and poetry begets firemen to the rescue...

it was better than being there in person. glad it all worked out.

At Monday, February 01, 2010 3:41:00 PM, Blogger Kathie Brown said...

What's a dad to say? I would find it hard not "TO DO!" I would want to rush right down there even though there would be little I could do, but I am an impulsive person. Glad it all turned out alright. What a lot of interesting poems this week from this prompt!

At Monday, February 01, 2010 9:17:00 PM, Blogger Tumblewords: said...

Ah, indeed. What's a dad to say. Wonderful outcome for a frightening tale. Beautiful people!

At Tuesday, February 02, 2010 1:21:00 PM, Anonymous gabrielle said...

What's a dad to say? Beautiful the emotions this frightening experience inspired. Thank you for sharing them in your poem.

At Thursday, February 04, 2010 9:46:00 AM, Blogger gautami tripathy said...

So glad they were safe..

sensors work overtime

At Thursday, February 04, 2010 11:36:00 AM, Blogger Cassiopeia Rises said...

Oh I love this Jim. What a beautiful family you have.


At Friday, February 05, 2010 12:57:00 PM, Anonymous shraddha said...

i am glad everyone is ok..

i am just back from india , just catching on with all my friends..

At Saturday, February 06, 2010 12:26:00 PM, Blogger Patti said...

Nicely written story- gald all characters are ok! I can relate- I was stuck in the dorm elevator in college and had to be pulled out from the top- kind of scary! Happy Weekending!


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