Sidewalk Closed
"Sidewalk Closed," that's what the sign said
No other words, there's just those two
'Twas abrupt, a slap in the face
A traffic jam in the morning
Runners piling up, a big heap
Like falling dominoes, pile grows
One body upon another falling
Straight line not one falls to the side
Call the cops before someone's hurt
Laughing because there's nothing else
The sides are mud, a sticky mess
Puddles too would get in their shoes
Get up and turn back nothing else
Nothing else to do--laugh it off
_ _ _
- Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved
- I am linked with NaPoWriMo 2024 Day Thirteen,
not following the prompt today, I am reading signs from my car
I think this might be a bit of a tall tale, but it's fun to read.