Jimmie Boy
Jimmie Boy was born an orphan
In the nursery for newborns
He was saying Mama, Dadad
As if he knew was supposed to
Supposed to have like others
Others had mothers to feed them
Daddies to teach the alphabet
Someone had told him right after
Right after he was born without
They'd been killed in car accident
But 'twas no accident. Careless
The other guy had been drinking
The nurse had told him right away
Jimmie Boy was a fast learner
Luck, fostered by geniuses
In school, first grade when he was two
That didn't work, he knew it all
All they could teach so had home school
Graduated when he was ten
What could, no would, his future hold
_ _ _
- Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved
- I am linked with NaPoWriMo 2024 Day Twelve, here
where were presented with an optional prompt idea of writing a "Tall tale".
If my poem is tall enough, then I satisfied the prompt?
Intriguing tale!