If roses were pink and
If violets were purple
If angels had wings and
If the Devil had horns
If the moon pulls down his pants and
If all the "stars" were afire
Then what we say would be true but
We are not, no way. So then
Everyone knows, and
Nobody cares
Thats not a lie. It
Suits me
(I'm not wearing a "suit",
That "fits" me. And
I "quit" . . . )
Flowers that are blooming today in our backyard. The Canna Lilies had one blossom but wanted to wait for a bit to have some more; it will bloom until the next freeze.
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- Photos and Poem Copyright,
Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved
- I am linked to NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 14, here
where we were asked to, optional, write an anaphora form poem
- Click here to read all my poems, mostly for NaPoWriMo as of late
I love to see how differently we all interpret these challenges. I love the photos. I included a photo from my garden today too!