
Thursday, April 07, 2016

NaPoWriMo 2016 , Day Seven ~~ a "Bracelet" Acrostic poem

Band of metal, plastic or dangling charms 
Ring for arm nice present for the lady 
Accept with haste when your beau does proffer 
Count not the cost it's the heart that matters 
Each wears different shoes emeralds in his ear 
Links adjust to fit your arm not your mouth 
Elect to say the magic words, "Thank you" 
Tell and show your father, it says "He gives" 
_ _ _ 

Poem and Photo Copyright, © 2016 and 2010 Jimmiehov,  All Rights Reserved

I'm linked with Susie Clevenger in the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads (linkwhere her theme is "Bits of inspiration 
~ Bracelet' meaning we are to write a new poem using the word, "Bracelet"

Also I'm writing a Poem a Day (PAD), trying for the whole month of April again. I did it last year, but ...  So I'm linked to NaPoWriMo 2016 for that.


  1. :) cute acrostic, Jim. Hope it was a diamond tennis bracelet.

  2. Dang! wish I would have been so creative. Lovely write Jim.

  3. I like this acrostic. Cool take on the prompt.

  4. So clever, I like "Links adjust to fit your arm not your mouth" there are places I could say that :-) well done acrostic!

  5. Ha.. yes that's the real reason is that last of course..

  6. This is great Jim. What a creative acrostic poem. You handled my "bracelet" poem well. :) Thanks so much for writing and sharing in the garden!

  7. Ha. Charming-- and many think that way. Thanks, Jim. K.
