
Tuesday, February 06, 2024

The Day Cometh - a Poem for Friday Writings and dVerse Poetics

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The Boating Decision 

I remember the day 
The day I said goodbye 
That day I sailed away 
The day I made you cry  

My ship I hopped aboard 
Been calling me to come 
For wages room and board 
Would nine months be my home 

Swabbing decks cleaning rooms 
Drinks were free food was good 
Keeping busy time zoomed 
Happy not, bad were moods 

Payday came hopped the boat  
Ship work is not my thing 
Coming near, near your home 
Hear the bell, be my ring  

Know now I should be here 
Have you close cozy near 

Bad mistake 
Please be home 

A Landlubbers Envy

 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights  Reserved 
 - Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2015 [URL] taken by me at the Little Venus Canal Boat Show which is held annually at Westminster, London, U.K.
 - I am linked with Rommy for hosting Friday Writings #113  at
   She offered su an optional prompt posted at the end of these notes.  I chose to post this one instead.
 - I'm also linked with Merril at dVerse Poetics here, for her prompt for this poem 
   for the prompt subject and word to use, "ship or boat"
 - Click here to read other dVerse writers' works for the prompt 
 - Rommy has invited "us to write poetry or prose about our favorite modern convenience or invention."


  1. Those were the days, when young people joined the navy, got on with the hard work, and enjoyed the travel. But it’s not for everyone, as your poem shows, Jim. I always fancied living on a barge, though.

  2. Throughout the ages, men have gone to sea for temporary or permanent work. I'm glad the narrator came home to his love. Canal boat/house boars seem very different.

  3. I think it is a life people often dream about... but I understand it is usually very booring, and these days you don't even stay in port that long

  4. Sometimes we learn by experience. Life on land seems much more appealing especially when with the one you love!

  5. I like boating – but as passenger rather than crew!

  6. I am not a water or a boat person either lol so I am with you I wouldn't have enjoyed that

  7. A couple of days sailing somewhere far away sounds nice.. but longer than that... am not so sure.. would be nice to try though!! (definitely not one of those cruise ships)

  8. I like being on a boat, but can't imagine how anyone would spend more than a day on one!

    (Priscilla King)

  9. I've only ever been on a cruise ship, which is a very different experience!

  10. I always thought it'd be fun to work on one of the Great Lakes freighters, maybe as a cook. It would get old after a while, as you say. Now that the climate is changing the freighters can stay out there most of the winter. No ice this year at all.

  11. I could have stowed you away on the yacht!!! LOL.

  12. I'm glad he came to his senses, and I pray she is merciful.

  13. I remember those days. They were bittersweet, weren't they? All right, there was probably more bitter--leaving home and loves and such behind. Still, there was also the excitement of what might come...

  14. I love the way you wrote this, as if a journal entry or perhaps a letter.
