
Monday, October 16, 2023

Should I have stayed? -- a Quadrille poem for the dVerse prompt "Fold"

[Writer's "Flirty Guy"]

   Love's Corner 

Our paths we cross 
At Love's Corner
She smiles at me
Mine's bit warmer

Followed by my wink
She turns her head
As if I stink

Making me think

My love for her
Would be one way 
I'll fold my tent 
And fade away 
    _ _ _  

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2010 and 2023 respectively, All Rights Reserved 
 - I first started using the "Flirty Guy" with my love stories and poems in probably the year 2010, you might read it here.  My label, "Flirty Guy", at the bottom here will brink you quite a few more.
 - I am linked with De Jackson of Friday Writings dVerse Quadrille #186 at 
 - Quadrilles,have Exactly 44 words, which this one has, today's is to use the word, "Fold
 - Click here to read other's Quadrille poems writings


  1. Awww. This makes me sad. Well spilled.


  2. "You gotta know when to hold em and when to fold em!" You probably did the right thing. Well done.

  3. Sorry the two are a mismatch. It's a wonder anyone can find a lifelong partner.

  4. Indeed. Love the double entendre ending (or was it just me).

  5. Fading away is indeed sad ... however, I enjoyed the lighthearted way you composed this quadrille.


  6. Too bad, but I suppose it was not meant to be.
