
Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Poem for Weekly Scribles.

She was warned.
She was given an explanation.
Nevertheless, she persisted.

She was warned  "Horde no more" 
To which she promptly said
You are being a boar
It's shampoo for my head  

I'm getting no younger 
Live my life like I wish 
You'd kill me from hunger 
Mere spinach in my dish 

Bonkers!  She was given 
an explanation, but 
Still no avail, bidden 
to her own muddy rut 

(Hope they don't find my keys) 
I may wish to travel 
While I still have some cheese 
Sometimes hungry as Hell 

You'd best behave yourself 
But nevertheless, she 
persisted, like dour elf 
(I'll hang on to my key) 

(Pills, under my covers ) 
Toasted raisin bread, jam  
and cream cheese like mothers 
(Too rough my life can end

My Choices
(Travel with hidden keys
Die orchestrated death)
(Do all have an escape)
_ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved
 - Photo courtesy of free to blogs, "Bryan Cave Benefits and Executive Compensation Blog - Clip Art Library",
 -I am linked with Magaly Guerrero in Weekly Scribbles at .  Magaly wanted us to write a poem using the three lines this first started with.  Together or dispersed within the poem, I chose the latter.


  1. Crisis brings all sorts of interesting--and sometimes lethal--behaviors out people.

  2. The comforting words in your poem are 'toasted raisin bread, jam and cream cheese like mothers' ~~ are they under the covers??!!

  3. Love this one, Jim! Only when forced to, do people face themselves.

  4. ....and the husband's option: stop exaggerating, awfulizing, NAGGING, and start making his own bed his own way. If she wants him back, she can stop hoarding things under the covers. If not, well, maybe that's why!
