
Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Poem for Sunday Writers


He's shaved she squealed  
Him I like that way 
He showered and shaved 

How could you tell that  
His beard's always messed 
He smells like a ...(duck) 

Have his mess to clean 
He smells real good though 

 _ _ _ 

 - Poem  and Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 

It also works in tribute of our Houstons Kenny Rigers but the selfie is of me in the mirror dodging my beard's shavings.  His beard was much thicker than mine, darker too. 


  1. My son shaved his beard this week too, as a necessity since he's a respiratory therapist and the mask and headgear didn't accommodate a beard very well.

  2. My second husband Bill grew a beard early in our marriage, and looked very handsome with it. When he eventually shaved it off (because he found it too itchy in summer) I cried. He said, 'I'll never grow another beard! It's too hard on Rosemary when I shave it off.' Didn't seem to occur to him that there might have been a different solution for that problem, LOL.

  3. I grew a beard once, back in 1969 and...Oh wait...I haven't shaved it yet. (I have trimmed, regularly, though...)

  4. Nice one Jim. Never liked beards except on Santa Claus. But im sure Mrs Jim will verify there ARE nice guys in beards😊


  5. My husband has a really short beard. I can't see him shaving it off any time soon.

  6. It is funny that over the centuries personal smell is no longer popular but frowned upon. When on Earth did we figure out that man smell was not the favorite pong on the chart?! But in fact women who in the middle ages started to get picky about how they smelled. Men meanwhile were foul for a lot longer!

  7. I love shaved heads and short beards.
