
Saturday, March 14, 2020

A Pi Poem for Pi Day (3.14) along with my Writer's Pantry Poem

Pi R Good 
(A Pi Day Senryu)

I like lemon Pi
Yesterday was Strawberry
Tomorrow Di-et 

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"I didn't say that"

Read, "Let us taste each other’s words"
Was the Poet's admonition **
Way the world communicates
We say and hear we show and watch

Lest we get it wrong plenty find
Wrong transmission or reception
Purposefully said fake news, lie
A lie, nice way is said 'fake news'

'Heard it wrong' denies ignorance
'Didn't say that,' an outright lie
From whose lips these false statements come?
Whose ears incite to lie some more

Not yours nor mine, it could not be
And politicians don't take blame 
Candied words can seem delicious.  
_ _ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2010, 2020, htand 2020, All Rights Reserved
 - 2010  "Smiley Guy" photo was taken and first posted here,,  taken when we were at Gdansk, Poland, during our 2010 Baltic Sea cruise.  He was standing beside a street doorway to a small shop.  I have used him a lot on this blog going under the alias of "Flirty Guy" because I first used him in a 'flirting poem.'  See his Label below.
 - Pi and Pie photos are my screen shots from Pillsbury "31 Pi Day Pies", here

 - I am linked with Magaly Guerrero in the Writer's Pantry

** Magaly's words.  She also said,  "(words can be rather nutritious, I’ve been told)", adapted to my bottom line.

I've almost always, perhaps always, written as poem or a ditty for Pie Day, March 14 (3.14) .  Things slipped up on me this year so this Senryū will have to do.


  1. Oh you scamp! Now I have to go out and find a strawberry pie!

  2. Oh those candied words can certainly spoil the fruit of truth

  3. The last line is a terrifying truth. Some words can be sweet poison. And these days, it seems too many in leadership positions go around with a tongue full of venom.

  4. Words....they're either weapons or instruments of peace. Love the reference to 'candied words" (My apologies for a late response...covid- 19 had me busy! )
