
Thursday, May 23, 2019

New Year's end, a bad day for some

Summer's End; 
the Big Chill 

"... And New Year's Eve ... bound to leave you cryin'"**
It's a tough world out there real sad at times
I'd like to have been there to sooth your fear
For most peace starts new when they ring the chimes 
"... And New Year's Eve ... bound to leave you cryin'" 
 The longer you cry the longer it will
Will take for that new start I feel you want
With Sumer's end we went apart-Big Chill 
"... And New Year's Eve ... bound to leave you cryin'"
But I loved you then I do now please know 
And I hope you might feel the same towards me
Now don't you cry those hot tears melt the snow 
I loved you then love you still please come back
We'll give Year's Eve a glorious comeback 
_ _ _ _
 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserve the Big Chill d
 - I am linked with Marian in the Imaginary Garden
 - Marian's words, five of them are, "ENJOY--BE INSPIRED--WRITE--SHARE"
 - **Note:  the first line of the four line stanza write is from John Prine's song, "Summer's End" which is also the name of my poem AND the name of his song. 


  1. I think you could put this one to music!!

  2. I loved you then love you still please come back
    We'll give Year's Eve a glorious comeback

    There is hope yet where the bond is as strong as the will to go for it. Love conquers all. How nice if it can be resolved before the New Year picks up!



  3. A glorious comeback, that would be great. I too would like to hear you sing this one, Jim. :)

  4. If only... such a hopeful end in this...

  5. I thought the same as Helen - sounds like a (country) song to me.
