
Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Valentine's Day Poem

First Kiss

We kissed it's time for me to tell
Our first school year remember well

I don't remember teacher's name
There was this little girl, first grade

Recess, she took me by my hand
Into the storm cave we went, and ...

Fatal day sitting on the steps
Still by the hand she moved real close

Pressed her face to mine kiss was dear
She whispered sweetly in my ear

Please show me yours I'll show you mine
Kiss and show changed me for all time
 _ _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with in the Imaginary Garden at Go there for seeing her instructions and inspiration for our writings.
 - Most of my "poems", even when basically are true, have been embellished a little bit. 
 - But this one is ENTIRELY TRUE.  She, my first crush died (suicide) at about age 20, I hadn't seen her since the end of second grade.


  1. Whoa, childhood experiences do have a profound impact on one's psyche. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jim.

  2. etched memories...!
    suicide at 20 ...sigh!

  3. Oh, the memory is beautiful in its light with the childhood innocence intact. Your endnote about her passing in such a manner is so saddening though.

  4. Oh this is achingly beautiful and poignant!!
