
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Watching the October storm -- a 7 line stanza challenge poem

October Storm

Here from the safety of my porch 
I watch the wind as it blows 
Objects bow 
Bending palms give their alms 
Blowing rain swirls.  Glows, 
Silhouetted distant light 
I watch, standing straight 

_ _ _ _ _

Photo and Poem copyright 2015, Ó Jimmiehov, All rights reserved.
YouTube Video Copyright 2008, Ó Jimmiehov (aka Jim1Jim1), All rights reserved

YouTube Video is from my back balcony (former home) in 2008 during Hurricane Ike.  Ike did not damage to our home although it did break branches and pushed down several trees.

The Photo is of our present home's back yard after our recent Texas storm from remnants of Mexico's Pacific Hurricane Patricia combined with a low pressure tropical storm which came in from the Gulf of Mexico.  Over the weekend we had over seven (7) inches of rain but no wind or water damage.
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Today I am linked with Margaret at the Toad's Imaginary Garden, Play It Again, Toads! , where Margaret asked us to write for a vintage challenge.  Mine is from Kerry O'Connor's 2012 challenge, "Paul Laurence Dunbar - 7 line stanza poem". 

She requested that we write a seven line stanza poem with the following recommended, but not required form of 8, 7, 3, 6 (with internal rhyme), 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively for each line.  I met that requirement in my above poem.


  1. It always amazes me the resilience trees have - their bend and sway - they give a lot.

  2. Nice work with the form, Jim. Glad you didn't have any water damage from Patricia!

  3. I love it! Nature makes such wonderful poems.

    We received 8/10 of an inch of rain. I am grateful for that.

    Have a blessed week.

  4. I like the way 'standing straight' contrasts with the bowing palms. Nicely done, Jim. (Rhyme is not an absolute necessity!)

  5. standing straight. Nice ending, Jim. Nice backyard too!

  6. I think if you get through a tropical storm is a great experience.. you did a great job on the form...

  7. Lovely capture of the form. Weather can be so scary. I have seen blizzards and hurricanes.
