
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Deformity Cursed -- A micro poem for you tonight

Something Very Personal

I studied my naval in disbelief
There's no heavenly way this could be mine
Swollen beyond recognition. Can't be

Extended, distended, puckered outward
Yellowed worse than an ash tree in the fall
Red spots scattered indiscriminately

Oh dear, I sense an end to my love life
Would there be such a kind soul having me
How could one love me now? Worse than a wart

Not a nightmare, no.  Deformity cursed

_ _ _ _

Photo and Poem copyright 2015, Ó Jimmiehov.
All rights reserved.

Tonight I am linked to Kerry O'Conner at Up Close & Personal - Micro Poetry

Her challenge was to write an 'up close and personal' poem with only TEN lines, a Decastich.  
Mine is in Sonnetina Uno form:


  1. Oh this is exactly a sight you don't want to see.. I cringed at the description and started to pick at my own navel..

  2. Low humour - pardon the pun. I am sure the navel has never been so intimately poeticised.

  3. I'm torn between laughter and sympathy, Jim.

  4. Oh dear! But delightfully penned, and such wit with the pictures.

  5. Early in the morning and I am laughing at the picture and ending of your poem Jim ~ Thanks for the smiles ~ Happy Sunday ~

  6. Oh my--now I am thinking about my own distended navel!

  7. Ha! I think many would like this kind of navel! Thanks, Jim! k.

  8. Ah, such is the ?joy of ageing... (Did check my belly button and all seems well - for now!)
    Anna :o]

  9. why I had not come ? that I did it...!!
