
Sunday, October 05, 2014

Museuming -- Flash 55


Day when he got to Albi,
Expectations running high,
Was ready to get his fill.
His fill of Henri Lautrec,
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
Little problem, parking space.
Henri was to wait his turn
For want of a parking space.
Lautrec, had his fill, and then,
Paul Cézanne surprise for him
in Albi's Lautrec Museum

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Photos Copyright, © 2009 Jimmiehov (link) and Poem Copyright, © 2014 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

Today I am linked with Fireblossom at the Real Toads, Flash Fiction 55 (link)
Monday, I am linked with the Real Toads, Open Link Monday (link)
Her challenge:  "write a poem (I chose this) or a piece of flash fiction (next time again), about any subject, and in any form, as long as it is comes to exactly 55 words!"

Well, with the title I am sitting at exactly 55 words.  Classified as fiction, it very well could be true.  I know.  [Scrunched face.]
You don't need to tell me, I know that museum is not a verb.  But here, using poetic license, I made Museuming to be one.  For more Lautrec posts, click here, for a little of our Spring 2009 Europe Vacation click here.
As are other museums with all museums having clasics, the old masters works, Allbi's (France) Lautrec Museum is a place to spend at least half a day (link).   I never tire of 'museuming' in Europe's old art museums.


Paul Cézanne surprise
(click on any picture for larger view)


  1. Yes, I love your title...what an amazing place to visit. Love your photos!

  2. Your title is awesome....and the photos are wonderful Jim!

  3. Museuming is a very enriching experience, Dr Jim :)

  4. Yes, indeed. Museuming is a verb form--and it promises delights.
