
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Before and After (with Adi looking out the window) -- Wordless Wednesday # 024

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Visit Wordless Wednesday Participants


  1. These pictures are a HOAX. The green Mustang II belonged to my deceased mother (1999)and is now mine. We spotted the other one last Saturday in Livingston, Texas.

    Mine is a 1974 Mustang II Ghia and only has 67,XXX miles. Mom always garaged it, I bought for her from Ford when I was working for Ford Aerospace in 1975. It was a Ford executive company car, I was the original owner, and now I have it back again.

    Ellen, I felt guilty taking praise for a restoration that I didn't do. I am sorry for having misled you.

  2. You had me going there for a second :) That Mustang is really beautiful and in awesome condition. You are very lucky to have it back. have a great Wednesday!

  3. Hey Jim! No worries. I should have picked up on the date on the old photo being after the date on the shot of yours. Regardless that car is sweet! I have never been to Russia. My parents have and actually lived there as missionaries in their old village in recent years...

  4. Wow. What are the chances you'd be able to match these photos up like this? Great fun.

  5. Ah Jim I wouldn't have twigged that it was anything other than a great restoration job. My other half's brother has just restored a couple of MGs. They looked raggy a while back but they now look wonderful. Happy WW

  6. Adi is cute. What a great story too. Have a great WW. :)

  7. pimp my ride!

    happy ww!

  8. Well you had me fooled.

    My W W is posted.

  9. yes great restoration ahhh you fooled Us but you could do it:> Thanks for visiting big TX

  10. Haha, for a while you had me there... but really, awesome car! *hoots*

  11. The date on those photos would suggest just the opposite.
    Oh! I see your comment.
    A hoax, huh??!!!

    Hi Adi!!!!
