
Thursday, May 09, 2024

Rabbit and the Fowls - - a Poem for Friday Writings and a Piece of Prosery for dVerse

 Missing friends

Little rabbit was 

 getting lonesome 

He'd sit by the fence 

 missing his buddies 

Something told the wild geese 

 It was time to fly.”

Then they all left  

  alone again 

Didn't last him long

 ducks coming in

Quickly making friends 

 Rabbit's alone no more 


_ _ _ _ 

 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved  

 - I am linked with Rosemary at dVerse Friday Writings #126 at 
   Rosemary has asked as an optional assignment for us to write a poem or story (or a few) in only 160 characters including title and spaces. (If you choose to write more than one, please put them all in one post and make sure that collectively they don't exceed our 369 word limit.)  
   I chose not to do that and wrote instead what you see next here.    
 - I am also linked with Kim881 at Prosery, dVerse,  her prompt line is above in quotations and posted at 

 - Click here for others writing Prosery Flash Writing this week.  I wrote only 44 Words, we could have 144


  1. Short and sweet, Jim! I love the idea of rabbits and birds being friends, although the rabbits around here often get picked off by crows, jackdaws and magpies, especially the baby rabbits.

  2. Yes, when the hawks decided they like our subdivision our rabbit population diminished substantially.

  3. I'm glad Rabbit isn't lonely anymore. Befriending the ducks helps him create a diverse friend circle.

  4. Enjoyed this, Jim, and what a great shot of the rabbit. Yep, those ducks will not only be company, they'll be rather loud and active company!

  5. We rarely see rabbits anymore. I think it is because they introduced coyotes to this area. Love the pictures.

  6. That's cute. We don't have rabbits. But, we have large raptors, so...

  7. Very amusing and cute, i love rabbits too.

  8. Mother Nature knows what she's doing, for sure! [my sister and b-i-l have a family of foxes living under a storage shed ~ it was bye bye family of rabbits!]
