
Thursday, May 02, 2024

A Hope -- a Poem for Friday Writings

      "Cupid's Arrow" Artwork by Jimmiehov 2021, 
 Copyright 2021, URL - I've carried this in my Bible for 
 ages but 2021 is the first time I've found it published


Have you ever been asked 
what's your favorite word 
My house you'd have to 
ask, the little lady knows 
Does he use now and then 
or is it regular 

Little lady is the 
apple of my soft heart 
She can do no harm 
to this old hardboiled egg 
So the lady responds 
for me, knows my innards 
I'm hoping she will say 
it's "Sweetheart" with a smile 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, URL
 - I am linked with Rosemary for Friday Writing #126 at  
where she has asked 
"us to write about to write a poem or story (or a few) in only 160 characters including title and spaces. (If you choose to write more than one, please put them all in one post and make sure that collectively they don't exceed our 369 word limit.) (or use) one of our favorite words."  Mine, for this 'us' is "Sweetheart".
 - Note" This is the number 2003 of 'poems' labeled or called as such I've posted here since the first, in 2006.  Some I forgot to label.  


  1. Yes, an endearment means so much more than just the word...good choice!

  2. A lovely word indeed! (You, 'hard-boiled'? I don't think so!)

  3. Excellent word and really great with this poem

  4. You chose a powerful word that when said can soften most hearts from discontent to love.

  5. Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you ~~~~ oh the memories of my Dad crooning it when I was a girl ............. thank you.
