
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

my Poodle Dog -- a Poem for dVerse Poetics, NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 17 and Friday Writings

[Tree just off our back yard (then) click on picture for larger size viewing]

My Beagle Dog 

You were a puppy 
when we first got you 
You grew fairly fast 
got set in your way  

Chasing squirrels 
you loved to do
Up the trees where 
squirrels were safe 

Walks you hated 
going the worst 
Coming home best 
that you would walk 

You are old now 
and can't respond 
Ashes I'll keep 
bury with me 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright,  Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Sanaa of dVerse Poetics  
   where she instructed us to write form poem as she described.  Write first person with the listener cannot respond.
 - Click here to read other's works to answer Sanaa's request. 
 - I am also linked with NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 17, 
And tonight I am linked with Rosemary at Friday Writings #123 


  1. What a sweet heartfelt conversation, Jim. Pets really are one of the family. I love your ending.

  2. Will admit to getting misty-eyed reading your poem. I have lost too many furry friends over the years. Have a wonderful week.

  3. A friend you have lost... I can understand the love and connection

  4. Ah, the love of these dear companions is such a treasure.

  5. Really heart felt - i can feel the love.
