
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

My Box -- NaPoWriMo Day Ten and dVerse Poetics

            [click picture for larger size viewing]

         My Box 

My box was once a shoe box 
I save boxes, this one is a keeper 
My box is large, the kind we all would like 
The box is made of strong cardboard 
This box had contained cowboy boots 
My box had waited to have a touch
T'would be by a rough and heavy hand 
My box was hurt, a clerk threw her away 

My box was rescued, rescued by me 
I feel my box has an affliction 
Towards me for bringing her home 
She likes to be near me when she can 
I keep my personal records with her 
Finance, travel, relationships, and the like 
Grocery shopping she loves, 
rides the cart like a small kid 

My box I gave her a name, Betty Jo   
Dressed her pretty with a coat of paint 
She sits on my writing desk 
Betty Jo likes to make the rhyme 
She has become a helper of mine 
We've grown really attached 
I wish she could talk 
Good night, polish box and go to bed  
 _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with NaPoWriMO Day Ten 

 - I am also linked with Kim at dVerse Poetics, here 
 - Click here to read other writer's efforts with Kim's prompt


  1. Your box resonates with me, Jim! I have been a collector of boxes large and very small since I was a child, and I hate to throw away shoe boxes. I love that yours contained cowboy boots and that you rescued and personified her.

  2. Love a painted shoe box... what a wonderful one to keep beside you.

  3. "Grocery shopping she loves,
    rides the cart like a small kid " -- I can almost picture it, Jim! I wonder if Betty Jo ever misses the cowboy boots. To be sure, she has a new affection now in you!

  4. I have a thing for saving boxes also. What would we do without them?

  5. Jim, I love how you feel attached to Betty Jo and view her as a helper and companion. Excellent personification!

