
Monday, March 04, 2024

Fun, Perhaps - a Poem for dVerse Quadrille

Three-generation bed party, my daughter, her daughter, and Mrs. Jim.  
[First  posted by me, Jimmhov on 2018 (URL)]

  A Slight Problem?

I dreamed I was going

to a party

Nice party where pillows and

blankets rule

A slumber party sublime

Kids love them

All my buddies coming and

Some good friends

I don't know by whom I got

my invite 

Lost the envelope

Invitation too 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Punam for dVerse Quadrille #196 for my 44 words not counting the title at  
 - Click here to read what the others have treated our prompt word, "slumber".
. .


  1. Oh no! That could be a problem, or just a bad dream!

  2. Maybe keep dreaming and you'll find the envelope!

  3. If you go back to sleep, it might turn up, Jim! Or maybe it was the invitation to the dVerse slumber party. In which case, you’ve made it!

  4. I wonder if slumber parties works for adults,

  5. Dreams are so mysterious, but a slumber party dream seems like a good one. Nice family photo!

  6. It looks like Mrs. Jim and company are having a good time.🙃
