
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Prequel to "Jack and Jill" -- A Prequel Poem Written for Friday Writings and for dVerse Poetics

Photo of one of the results of a Bing Search, URL 
[click on picture for larger size view]
    Jack and Jill in Training 

Jack and Jill made a training bill 
Climb some hills and gain some new skills 

Run two miles before the wind whiles 
Early up ahead of the sun 

Easy start longer hills a part 
Jack and Jill loved climbing the hills 

Then one day learned enough make hay 
Small mountain they could climb, certain 

Jack and Jill they climbed that big hill 
Jack fell down and Jill broke her crown 
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024 
 - I am linked with Rosemary for Friday Writing #111 at 
 - I am also linked before with Lillian of dVerse Poetics at 
 - Rosemary has asked, "If you were to come back as a ghost after you die, what place or person would you most like to haunt – er, revisit?
 - Lillian has asked us to "write a poem that is a prequel to a particular character from a nursery rhyme, aesop’s fable, book, or mythology. See explanation in prompt above. Be sure it’s clear in the poem, who you’re writing about."  For Friday Writings using the prompt is optional, we can instead post a poem previously written or written one off prompt.  I had previously written this poem for Lillian above.   
   You can see that I used a prequel to Jack and Jill of the nursery poem with that name, "Jack and Jill", who climbed the hill but then they fell back down after they had gotten up their hill. The Prequel is usually telling of some events prior, even leading up, to the main story writing, i.e. the Nursery Rhyme here.  
 - Click here to read other folks writing on this prompt. 


  1. 😊 nice one Jim.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog.


  2. Lovely prequel; I love the idea of training before trying to take on a big hill.

  3. The mere thought / image of Jack and Jill in training mode made me laugh! Cheers, Dr. Jim. Greetings to Mrs. Jim.

  4. Hah! A training program.....I can see them working out together in their sweat pants.....working up to the task! Good one!

  5. Jim, it's lovely how you playfully reimagine Jack and Jill's training adventure, injecting a delightful twist into the familiar nursery rhyme with humor and charm.

    Much love,

  6. 😂Should they have trained more maybe?! Haha -- loved this prequel, Jim.

  7. That puts a whole new spin on it, Jack and Jill training for that event! Bravo, not easy to have us rethink something so fixed in our heads from childhood, but you've done it.

  8. If only they had trained better, maybe the falling and tumbling might have been avoided!!! How did you come up with training - that's totally original!!!

  9. I've "trained" for almost my whole life. Way back, in the Army, I taught via an eight-week class. clerk-typist class, teaching GI's how to type for the Army. If the trooper could type over, I believe it was, 45 words per minute then he/she was a Clerk Typist, 13 minutes was required for just a plain Clerk position.
    I have taught from Astronauts to Bible Classes most of the rest of my life. My last job was 21 years as a college 'professor' while most times taught a Sunday Morning Bible Class, most times for adults.
    But now I have been retired now for 23 years.

  10. I wondered if and when they would fall. I wonder how it would end if they didn't fall.

  11. So that's how it happened :-)

    (Priscilla King)

  12. Nicely done Jim, and I love the humour.

  13. Haha, their training wasn't enough. :)
