
Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Poem for Sunday Muse -- Days in the Life

 Goldie in a Glass Cage 

Her wish had almost come true

All her life she had wanted 

Little fish wishing to be 

A mermaid in her glass cage 

So excited she had been 

The day her new owner came  

Most fish had hoops, toys and trees

But Goldie of these had none 

They fed her well gave her smiles 

She dreamed of fine play-ponds, but ... 

Exercise had no meaning 

Swam back and forth--eight inch cube 

Then, sigh, came her fateful day 

Relief she thought out she went 

Another room, deep white bowl 

Harshly dropped and all went dark 

Gushing currents through a tube 

Seemed forever all was dark 

Had the end come?  It did not 

Lonely dark ride, shines glass cage 

So when they put you away 

You'll be mere toilet bowl stuff  

Better than making cat food

Mermaid was not, kept her gills 

 _ _ _ _ 

  - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 

  - I'm linked with Chrissa for the prompt photo at the Sunday Muse # 136


  1. That was...surprising. Also, it gave me flashbacks to a horrible tube ride at a waterpark back in high school. And maybe an existential crisis.

  2. "Another room, deep white bowl" - Ouch!

  3. You rascal you!!!! I was ready with a supportive, sweet comment and then POW BAM right in the kisser, you let me have it.

  4. Interesting Jim. The last verse was quite a surprising flip
    Happy you dropped by my blog today.


  5. So when they put you away
    You'll be mere toilet bowl stuff

    You win some you lose some. It is hell if one is not favored in whatever situations. Truly so Dr Jim!


  6. Not the kind of fish bowl a mermaid would want. This made me smile and feel sad at the same time.
