
Friday, April 03, 2020

Down - Day 3 of NaPoWriMo 2020

Down He Went

Most courageous of our Navy today
Beloved concerned  Admiral yesterday
That was yesterday with no job today

Code of military, "do what I say
then ask questions later" that is the code
Follow chain of command things move slowly

Meanwhile his troops were dying by dozens
Aboard that ship of death in his command
Superiors were slow, he needed action

To the top he went, over heads afraid
Afraid of loss of prestige their silence
Unafraid and brave he went to the top

Fired but proud of doing right for his flock
I'd vote for him president any day
 _ _ _

 - Linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at and to
 - the NaPoWriMo Day 3, ;


  1. I was floored he was relieved of duty for doing the right thing. We are living in an upside down world.

  2. Me, too. Amazing how the heroes who speak truth are punished and the liars and con men thrive. Weird world.

  3. Thank goodness he acted on his duty to save lives. So sad that brings punishment.

  4. Ah, this must be a story known to Americans but not to me. However I get the gist of it. Good on him for the choices he made!

  5. Like Rosemary, I hadn't heard about this over here in the UK. I can't believe he was relieved of duty.

  6. This is a horrible situation. He’s a hero. I’m ashamed of our Navy’s command.
