
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 11 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 - Ode to a Weed

Ode to Wild Milkweed 

Oh Milkweed plant prettiest weed that flowers
Whose blooms are the brightest orange of all
Your lineage is one of the hardiest
Great great grandparents hoed out of the corn
Your line has survived and gained prestige

You beckon the Monarchs from afar
On their treks from Old Mexico they stop
Your sweet smell pretty blooms they can't resist
While those butterflies stay their eggs are laid
You graciously host them and their cacoons

Then beautiful Caterpillars do roam
over your limbs over your body
Gracious again you give your leaves their food
While their mothers continue path to North
Die on their way praise your name in Heaven

Those worms turn to Monarchs like their Mothers
and take their places at the north
Oh compassionate weed of the wild
You'll have time once again more leaves to grow
And milkweed plant prettiest that flowers 

 _ _ _

 - Poem and Photos Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020,All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at 
 - and with NaPoWriMo Day 11 at where I used mainly their prompt, a particular flower for inspiration.  I chose the Wild Milkweed which attracts the Monarch Butterfly.
 - I am also linked with the Writer's Pantry at 


  1. A great ode to milkweed. It is very rare in NZ We have the Swan plant here which is actually a type of milkweed. We buy one each year. The caterpillars usually eat it completely

  2. I can’t remember ever seeing milkweed in the UK. What beautiful little flowers! I love your enthusiasm for this weed, Jim, and for Monarch butterflies.

  3. Beautiful. The growth of a continent of prairies and butterflies in verse. :)

  4. "Whose blooms are the brightest orange of all," ... lovely!!💝

  5. My children and grandchildren still blow them away; as joyous as eating a cream puff. : )

  6. I love "Oh compassionate weed of the wild"!!

  7. My goodness, she is precious, isn't she

    Happy Easter Jim


  8. splash of spring much needed in these grey times!
