
Monday, April 06, 2020

Day 6 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 - The Owl at ...

Aristotle; I am the owl at the well
(Motivation Monday poem) 

Dr. Aristotle I am 
My PhD is from Oxford 
Superior intelligence 
What I am famous, noted for 

My brain won't hold all my knowledge 
Overload in my chest is stored 
Closest friends call me *Puffed Up" 
Plenty, enough is said on that 

You now, "What does this owl do?" 
We've water activity all 
around.  Enough, Clean, and Plenty 
Water fun, that is our business 

Our guests play, swim, eat and they rest 
Enough; never lacked for water 
Clean; it's drinking water for all 
Plenty: make sure where it's needed 

Big it needed ME.  Smart, Mensa 
And, ...owls scare other birds away 
[click on pictures to enlarge, back to re-enter]
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 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved (photos are edited and screen printed by me, see "Garden, et al " link below).
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at -- Speaking in the Voice of Another, for Day 6 of NaPoWriMo (Sherry Blue Sky original author}
 - and Day 6 at NaPoWriMo where speaking in another, using a character from the artwork at "The Garden of Earthly Delights", 

 - "Motivation Monday" google search link
 - Quote:
  • Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week"


    1. You have captured his voice so well, interesting interpretation of the artwork. Thanks for writing to my prompt.

    2. A creative interpretation of the images. For all the puffed chest of educated feathers, the owl is needed more fear than diplomas.

    3. I enjoyed this one, Jim! A brilliant response to the prompt 💘

    4. Oh, how I love Hieronymus Bosch! And the voice of your owl is just right for the image of the serious, weighty being observing the garden revels.

    5. Yes, we can all laugh but it is dangerous too, when you need a leader that can be trusted and do his best for his country. especially at times like these.

    6. Amazing way to combine the prompts. I enjoyed this poem :)
