
Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Poem for Saturday -- two Senyru and a Tanka

Sure, it's not "Fake News"; 
  but "unreliable narrators"

Read it on Google 
Nasty comet is coming 
Oops I meant comment 

From the jockey's mouth 
Pick my Jersey Lass to win 
Odds are one to ten 

Fox or CNN 
(Reader fill in this line)
We tried to contact 
And when there is no response 
Be assured it's not Fake News 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright,  Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Bjorn in the Imaginary Garden at

 - Bjorn asked for tales told by unreliable narrators and yet they be tripped up. His final instruction words were, "A poem is not a novel, so I am very curious how you will meet this challenge in a fairly short poem." I have a short 51 words, three short poems in one.


  1. I think that there plenty of things to find if you google it... hope there is no comet on its way tonight, but if not there for sure has to be martians

  2. One never knows what's fake and what's real any more.

  3. I am still trying to figure out how this fits the prompt

  4. The POTUS is the most unreliable narrator ever! He's the one who started that awful saying, 'fake news', and now it wil never go away. I chuckled at the lines: 'Nasty comet is coming / Oops I meant comment'.

  5. Fake news is the term for our times. History will mark it as when the decay had finally reached the surface. A good write.

  6. Nasty comet or comment, both are hard hitting. Taking bets seems like a win but with the news I'm left at a loss.

  7. There was a time when the news had integrity. These days, who knows what to believe. Well done Jim.

  8. This is wonderfully done, Jim! News these days have no reliability.

  9. fake or real...We hope we can find truth on google...hard to know these days.

  10. Pithy, succinct and wry.
    With the world the way it is, one might wish for a
    civilized compassionate planet somewhere in this
    galaxy, to send ambassadors to set us gently on
    the path to a civilized society of our own.

  11. Nicely done - I wonder if the nasty comment be as devastating as the comet? Such a timely piece - as current as the six o'clock news.
