
Monday, April 15, 2019

Day 15~~ NaPoWriMo

A Snow Tale 

Our semi annual travel to the Midwest was a little tougher that year be cause of snowy conditions.  Our travel party was husband and wife with youthful daughter and a middle age Beagle dog named Adi.

We three humans from the Gulf Coast area of Texas would visit Colorado in wintertime for skiing vacations.  Adi always stayed home then, being boarded with relatives. 

But when we went to visit family north in the winter Adi would get to go, sometimes.  This time we ran into snow in Missouri, quite a little bit for us.  We drove and drove and finally stopped at a rest area for Nature's calls. 
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Adi was first to go
She'd never seen snow before
Learnt of it rear end first
After that she loved the snow
Drifts really tickled her fanny

Adi wakes from her nap for a photo op.
 _ _ _
 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2007 and 2018 respecively, All Riights Reserved
 - I'm linked with
 - and linked with NaPoWriMo, Day Fifteen, here,  Their Challenge is to write 30 poems, one a day, in April each year.

 - Toni's instructions for us, "Write a Haibun of 44 - to 150 words of some event in your life - a love gone wrong, birth of a child, a daily walk, a day out of a vacation...anything will work! Remember: Haibun are based on a true experience in your life; it is NOT flash fiction." My word count is 138, title, prose, and TankaThe Tanka is loose on syllable count, 33 vs. the 5-7-5-7-7 purist's count.  And it IS a Tanka instead of the usual Haiku or Senryū.
 - The picture is of our younger daughter.  Adi did come to play in the snow but she was already at her boarding house before this picture was taken.  Herman, Nebraska is a little town about 35 miles north of Omaha.  I was born and raised in a farm house up in the hills west of Herman.
 - The Farm


  1. My dear dog Lucy love snow. She would become a running snowball and we would have to catch her to get her to go inside.

  2. snow... it can be beautiful - lived in it for most my life - but prefer to only vacation in it now or like here in our NC mountains it doesn't last for more than three days usually. :)

  3. Oh this is just delightful!❤️ I yearn for snow .. sigh ..

  4. I think I might have a dog's heart... I love snow.
    Maybe Adi was part Husky

  5. This is lovely, and a great photo, Jim. I have one dog who makes dog angels, rolling over and over, and another who eats the snow, making a trail.
