
Tuesday, June 05, 2018

After the Rain ~~ a Poem for the Aging

After the rain

'Twas after the rain, you had come
Mother had let us out to play
Went through my junk, founĸ things that float
Float we did, regular junket

'Twas after the rain, Saturday
You called me in, said let us play
Hot steamy out there, cool inside
We played, soon hot steamy in there

'Twas after the rain, in the home
Parked by the window, left me there
Watch the puddles dry, can't get out
Glad you stopped by, do I know you
 _ _ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, 2018 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
 - I'm linked with the Real Toads at
 - I'm linked with Sanaa Rizvi at The Imaginary Garden,
 - Ugo, Japanese for "after rain" per Toni Spencer at


  1. A wonderful poem! thank you and thank you for the acknowledgement.

  2. Watch the puddles dry, can't get out
    Glad you stopped by, do I know you

    One often wonders how one is protected. Help seems to come from all quarters without prior indication. It could be from total strangers. Providence or is it Karma that plays a hand to reward the good guys?


  3. The last line made me think of my mother. She had Alzheimer's. She rarely smiled in her last days, didn't know me, but there was that sense of appreciation I took time to visit her. I hope your knee heals soon. Scary to know things like that can "just happen."

  4. I just wish that there would be any rain... we need it so much at the moment. I could live with having to watch the puddles dry-

  5. This is beautiful...yet ended so sadly. I hope I keep my memories till the end.

  6. A good poem, time passes, and then what do we really know?

  7. This reminds me of my childhood rainy days spent with a friend, waiting for the sun to come out.

  8. A new comment on this poem. This is a wonderful use of the "after the rain". A bit sad. My mother died of complications from Alzheimers, just last June. I hope your knee heals quickly!

  9. Ah, the different ages, looking out at the rain. I am getting ever closer to the last stanza.

  10. Love the question posed in your last line ... enjoyed all of it!

  11. I remember hot summer days when a gentle rain would arrive - we would ride our horses bareback. WOnderulf memories.
