
Friday, May 27, 2016

Warm Drink ~~ a Friday Poem

Too much ice cried she 
You know it dilutes my drink 
Drink faster my dear 

Yikes! Going too fast 
Speed limit here's sixty-five 
Can't sense in the snow 

We're going to crash 
Just a nick on our bumper 
My ice has melted 

We're done with our fling 
You, on or off, fast or slow 
There's no warm between 

Then goodbye my friend 
Melted ice poisoned our souls 
We've had a nice ride 
_ _ _ 

Photo and Poem Copyright © 2016 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

Today I'm linked with Fireblossom, a.k.a. Shay, at The Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, "Fireblossom Friday:  Shades of Gray."


  1. It does melt... but was it from warmth or not?

  2. Ha! Oh well. Nice while it lasted! Good thing the ice didn't crack! Ha. Take care, Jim. And thanks for smile. k.

  3. The small disagreements weighing on a relationship day after day will add up eventually, leading to a crash like the one described in the poem if left unaddressed.
