
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Adi Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refrain from being a hound dog

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Adi would much rather be chasing that squirrel she sees but she will stop to post for her picture.

Hound Dog, by Elvis Presley is now playing

here (click here for Jim's Little Song Place)

I can remember when this one came out. Does that date me? Just a little? I played it a lot on my car radio? (hint link click here)


  1. Who overcomes nature better than a beagle?

  2. Adi is beautiful! Knew another Adi in Texas, but, sadly, she's gone to doggie heaven. She lived in Wimberley with her human, Jamie, a luthier.

  3. Tomorrow the 25th is Terry's birthday, Jim!

  4. Well you've got me confused. I've just read a lot of stuff on your blogs, not sure how many you have, and all this time I thought you were gone. Are you gone? Or is you not gone?
    After all you said you were quitting for a month or so. Right?
    The hand deal looks painful. It didn't affect the golf game eh?

  5. Doug -- Adi is my granddog. She has lived with us almost forever. I have been wondering if your profile picture is a beagle?

    Sue -- Thank you and here all the time we had been thinking 'Adi' was a unique name for a dog.
    Her middle name is 'Jane,', she is 'Adi Jane,' as Southern lady.

    Anon -- Thanks for the tip on Terry's birthday. We will have to do somethng BIG, won't we!

    Cliff -- You have been busy farming and going to weddings. I am semi-retired until October.
    So I mainly run just one blog, this one, for now.
    And I don't post (or read) so often.
    I've got lots of other things to do also, before winter sets in.
    Be advised:
    "The reports of my death have ..." is my quote on the other blog right now!

    Thanks, Guys.

  6. Well, Jim. Willie was a stray with the head of a beagle and the body of, I think, a blue heeler. I call him a Blue Heagle.

  7. Dad- That Adi sure is something... she is well behaved to avoid running after what I know she really wants!! Like the song!

  8. Hi Jim ~~ Unfortunately I also remember when Elvis first started out. He was truly a star. Thanks for your comments, glad you enjoyed the random facts and jokes. I am having a night off tonight.
    Take care, Regards, Merle.

  9. Elvis songs are still gooood.

    Adi is a beautiful dog.
    What a pose!

    Now, go get that squirell!!!!
